Logistics solutions across the whole value chain
Whether it’s wholesale, retail or e-commerce: we offer you logistics solutions across the whole value chain tailored to your needs, from receipt of order to warehousing, packing and transport, right through to disposal, returns and customer audits. Drawing on a sophisticated overall concept, specialized tools and a professional team, we help you to plan and implement logistics processes and to keep track of your inventory and deliveries. Efficient, secure and always tailored to trading requirements.
As a trading partner, we offer services that are fully integrated into your value chain and we devise project-oriented solutions tailored specifically to your needs.
Wir bieten Ihnen umfassende Lösungen für den Einzelhandel: Neben Lagerung, Auftragsvorbereitung, Kommissionierung und flexiblen Lieferoptionen, wie Shop-to-Shop oder 24/7-Lieferungen, übernehmen wir auch die Rücknahme und Entsorgung von Leergut und Mehrweggebinden.
For food and drink, we offer temperature-managed storage and transport, safe handling of perishables, and compliance with all hygiene standards.
In the field of fashion and cosmetics, we take care of nesting and picking, and we offer personalized packaging solutions plus prompt transport to the POS, as well as returns management and disposal.
For the delivery and assembly of furniture and electronic appliances, we offer our handy installation service, which includes disposal of old goods and packaging materials.
We offer tailored solutions for hardware stores and building site deliveries: integrated planning for timely, cost-effective deliveries, coordinated supply methods and a returns service.
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