Soluzioni di stoccaggio e trasporto certificate in tutta Europa
We offer logistics solutions tailored perfectly to industry requirements. With the help of our experienced team and specialized vehicles and warehouses, we guarantee the utmost quality and efficiency. A one-stop shop, Europe-wide, flexible, project-specific. Our service covers the whole value chain: from orders to imports, exports and customs clearance to warehousing, nesting and transport, all the way to disposal and returns. Customer audits as well as inventories and stock controls are also part of our service range. With our clear focus on safety and quality, we have all the certificates required for warehousing and transport, which is ideal for especially demanding industries.
Our specialized logistics solutions comprise long goods, heavy goods, chip handling, purity tests and sampling.
Wir bieten Ihnen Gefahrguttransporte, Temperaturmonitoring und Gefahrstofflagerung für deklarationspflichtige Chemieprodukte, temperaturgeführte Lager und GDP-Transporte und verfügen über GDP- und Swissmedic-Zertifikate.
By focusing on precision and planning, we ensure global supply chains.
We offer you temperature-controlled transport and warehousing solutions for sensitive goods.
We provide services for nesting, labelling and picking, packaging and consignment preparation, as well as for outgoing goods, shipping and transport, whether shop-to-shop or overnight.
For the delivery and assembly of furniture and electronic appliances, we offer our handy installation service, which includes disposal of old goods and packaging materials.
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