Two Swiss Post Cargo employees stand in front of a storage shelf.


Suitable warehousing and transport logistics for your sector

Swiss Post Cargo offers you flexible transport and warehousing solutions tailored to your sector throughout Europe. We support industry and trade with project-related solutions. Whether it’s the automotive or pharmaceuticals industry, food, furniture and fashion companies, or the construction and electronics sector: we take care of customs clearance, carry out night-time and express deliveries, and offer efficient cross-docking as well as industry-specific solutions. Reliable, eco-friendly and fully integrated into the processes of your value chain.

The right logistics partner for your sector

  • Integration into your value chain and support with sector-specific solutions, such as nesting, installation, returns and disposal
  • Certified warehousing and transport solutions for dangerous goods and temperature-sensitive goods
  • Required approvals available for dangerous goods (ADR Dangerous Goods by Road) in the form of solids, liquids or pastes
  • Storage is refrigerated, temperature-controlled and, if needed, in high-security zones
  • Flexible storage space for long, heavy and dangerous goods with the appropriate infrastructure, such as crane storage, internal and external storage, transshipment areas and autostore facilities
In a warehouse, a Swiss Post Cargo employee drives a pallet jack past a glassed-in room.


Appropriate and certified warehousing and transport solutions for the industry.

A meeting with four employees, three of whom are looking at a laptop together.


Passende Logistiklösungen entlang der gesamten Wertschöpfungskette.

Swiss Post Cargo employee picks pharmaceutical items.


You can focus on your patients while Swiss Post handles your logistics.

Construction worker forms a square with thumb and index finger of both hands.


Logistics for your next construction project.

We would be happy to advise you personally

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