Swiss-Express Innight Industry & Agriculture
Overnight logistics for technical and agricultural goods
With Swiss-Express Innight Industry & Agriculture − the customized overnight logistics service for technical and agricultural goods − spare parts and other goods arrive at their destination before the working day begins. We collect the goods in Switzerland and abroad and deliver them to industrial and agricultural businesses. Time-sensitive repairs and work can be carried out without wasting time. Warehousing space is reduced, because the goods are delivered overnight before the working day begins.
We deliver your goods on the same night, or in accordance with an individual agreement with you. To ensure access, we manage around 8,000 anonymized keys and badges.
Your consignment must carry a label containing the following information:
Your customers prepare returns or empty containers at an agreed delivery point. We collect the returns on our next delivery round. We transport the returns daily, once a week, or as requested to a location agreed with you. Returns must be labelled with a return label.
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